In occasione dell’uscita del volume di Stefano Micali Tra l’altro e…

Video-presentazione del Trattato sull’unità (Maqālah fī l-tawḥīd): L’uno, il molteplice e l’unità di Dio, di Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdĪ , traduzione e introduzione di Olga Lucia Lizzini, prefazione di Gerhard Endress. Meeting organised by Dragos Calma and hosted by University College Dublin on 12 March 2021.
Prof Cecilia Martini Bonadeo (University of Padova), Prof Michael Chase (CNRS, Paris / University of Victoria), Prof Damien Janos (University of Montréal) discuss the latest work of Prof Olga L. Lizzini (University Aix-Marseille / University of Geneva): the Italian translation with a dense introduction of the Treatise on Unity by the 10th-c. Christian Arab author Yahya ibn ‘Adi – with an introduction by Prof Dragos Calma (University College Dublin), and remarks by Prof Peter Adamson (University of Munchen) and Dr Maria Evelina Malgieri (University College Dublin). Zoom meeting organised by Dragos Calma and hosted by University College Dublin on 12 March 2021.